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Netanyahu said thanks to the countries supporting Israel


Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made a tweet on Sunday morning, thanking 25 countries that are currently supporting Israel. But India does not have a name in it.

Netanyahu said thanks to the countries supporting Israel

However, many leaders of India's ruling party BJP and supporters of right-wing ideology are constantly patting Israel's back and are constantly active on social media in support of it.

Netanyahu in his tweet first mentioned 25 countries including America, then Albania, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Cyprus, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia and Ukraine.

No statement from India

Netanyahu said thanks to the countries supporting Israel

There are also tweets in support of the Palestinians in India. It is being written on social media in support of both Israel and Palestine in India. In this case too, the views of Indians are looking polarized. However, there has been no official statement from the Foreign Ministry of India on the violence that has been going on between Israel and the Palestinians for the last few days.

ndia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, TS Tirumurthy, during a Security Council meeting on 11 May, said during the UN Security Council discussion on the Middle East about the events in East Jerusalem, both sides should avoid changing the status quo on the ground .

During a United Nations Security Council consultation on May 12, Tirumurthy said that India condemned violence, especially the rocket attack from Gaza. He said that there is a need to end violence immediately and reduce stress.

Israel duel of India?

Netanyahu said thanks to the countries supporting Israel

128 countries including India voted in the General Assembly of the United Nations in favor of rejecting the US declaration to make Jerusalem the capital. India recognized Israel as a state in 1950. But immediately after the formation of Israel in 1948, Nehru refused to give recognition. In 1992, India established diplomatic relations with Israel. Despite this, however, India did not show much enthusiasm for relations with Israel.

LK Advani first visited Israel in 1992 as a senior minister after diplomatic relations were established in 1992. The same year an Indo-Israeli Joint Working Group on Terrorism was formed.

In 2003, the then National Security Advisor Brajesh Mishra gave a speech at the American Jewish Committee and advocated for India, Israel and the United States to fight Islamic extremism. When the Congress came to power in 2004, Israel-India relations made headlines. Missing However, it is not the case that there was some bitterness in the relations between the two countries. Defense deals between Israel and India deepened after the terrorist attack in Mumbai. When Netanyahu is coming to India next month, it is hoped that the love affair between the two countries will remove the veil of secrecy.

India kept avoiding embracing Israel openly. India has a very good relationship with the Arab countries and due to this, India has been hesitant to move forward openly with Israel. However, for the first time Narendra Modi visited Israel in 2017 as an Indian Prime Minister. Since then, there was more close relations between Israel and India. India has been avoiding working on Israel's relations at the cost of friendship of Arab countries.

According to India's Ministry of Commerce, India's trade with Arab countries stood at $ 121 billion in 2016-17. This is 18.25 percent of India's total foreign trade. At the same time, India's trade with Israel was five billion dollars, which is not even one percent of the total trade. India's security relationship with Israel is deep while Arab countries are very important in terms of employment, foreign exchange and energy.

Netanyahu said, the attack will continue

Netanyahu said thanks to the countries supporting Israel

He wrote that "Thank you all for supporting our right to self-defense against terrorist attacks and for standing firm with Israel."

Subsequently, Netanyahu said in another tweet that "Over the past week, many Israeli citizens have been forced to take shelter in camps. Many Israelis have been killed. Many people have been injured. We and you, all know that No country will tolerate this. Israel will not tolerate it at all. We have responded fully to the attacks by Hamas extremists and will continue until the safety of our people is ensured. We have Have killed dozens of Hamas extremists and attacked hundreds of Hamas targets. "

"I want to tell the world that Hamas is committing double war crimes. One is targeting our common citizens. On the other hand, to save themselves, they are hiding behind the Palestinians, they are used as human shield. But we are using. Defeating Hamas is important not only for Israel, but also for peace in the entire Middle East. I thank the friendly nations of Israel, who are standing with us right now. I am the American President who I thank Biden. I thank the countries that have unfurled the flag of Israel on their government buildings to clearly show their support with Israel. "

'We will see both external threats and internal unrest'

And also read.



Netanyahu said thanks to the countries supporting Israel

Netanyahu then said that "Israel will not allow the plan being made against any Jewish citizen to succeed. We cannot leave Jewish citizens to die nor leave them to live in fear of these Arab-gangs." . We are with them. Also we will not make any Jewish citizens commit crimes against innocent Arab people. No kind of riot will be tolerated. I repeat that Israel is a Jewish and democratic country. Whoever lived here For them, the law is at the top. We are confident that Israel will deal with both external threats and internal unrest. I have full faith in our military. I believe that this will soon be over and we are stronger than ever. Will emerge. "

Reaction in india

Netanyahu said thanks to the countries supporting Israel

Netanyahu's rhetoric is highly appreciated by the right-wing class in India. Proponents of right-wing ideology see Netanyahu as a hero in the Middle East.

IStandWithIsrael has been used extensively in India for the past several days. Some big leaders of the ruling party BJP have also expressed their support for Israel through this.

Bihar BJP President Dr. Sanjay Jaiswal wrote on Twitter that "Every country has the right to self-defense. I am with Israel." Some other leaders have also made similar tweets.

But the Dalit wing of the Congress Party has taken a dig at this. He wrote, "#IStandWithIsrael #ISupportIsrael With hundreds of tweets in India blinded by the hashtag and the PM of Israel has not given any support to his support. For the devotees, 'Abdula Divana in Begani Shaadi' status It is done. How will the devotees make the world guru like this? "

And also read.

AP and al-Jazeera said after the Israeli attack collapsed their offices





Netanyahu said thanks to the countries supporting Israel

India's proximity to Israel has increased to a great extent in the last few years. In July 2017, Narendra Modi became the first Prime Minister of India to visit Israel in 70 years. Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu called Modi's visit spectacular. Modi also calls Netanyahu a 'good friend'.

But if we look at the history, the policy has also been sympathetic towards the Palestinian people of India. According to India's Foreign Ministry, India's support on the Palestinian issue has been an integral part of the country's foreign policy. In 1974, India became the first non-Arab country to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.

It is clear that the ongoing violent conflict between Israel and the Palestinians creates a dilemma for India.


Efforts to reach agreement between Israel and Hamas intensified


The Health Ministry run by Hamas in Gaza has informed about the casualties in the attacks of the Israeli army on Sunday.

Efforts to reach agreement between Israel and Hamas intensified

The Health Ministry has said that 33 people have died in air strikes. A spokesperson of the ministry has said that 12 women and 8 children are among those killed, while 50 people have been injured. Workers engaged in relief and rescue work are still looking for the survivors in the wreckage of the collapsed buildings in the attack.

With this, the figure of those who died in Gaza has reached 181 in this violence which started a week ago. At the same time, Israeli officials say that 10 people have died in the latest attacks, including two children. There have been rocket attacks on several southern cities of Israel last night.

Israeli army said, Hamas rocket rocket

The Israeli army has said that Hamas has fired the largest number of rockets in the Israeli territory so far from Gaza in the latest attack. Major General Ori Gordin told reporters that Hamas has fired about 3,000 rockets towards Israel since Monday.

He said that the speed with which the rockets were fired from Gaza is more than the previous attacks from Gaza and from the 2006 attacks by Hezbollah of Lebanon. International efforts to find a solution to the ongoing violence between Hamas in Israel and Gaza have intensified.

The American envoy to Israel, Haidi Amr, has held talks with Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz and other security officials. Here, Egypt has also stepped up mediation efforts for a cease-fire between the two sides.

In an important meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, a group of Islamic countries on Sunday, Saudi Arabia has blamed Israel for "violating the rights of the Palestinians". The meeting is currently going on.

On Sunday, the United Nations Security Council has also called an emergency meeting to discuss the issue.

Foreign ministers of the countries involved in the European Union will also meet on Tuesday to discuss this issue. In this meeting it will be discussed how the Sangh can contribute in the effort to end violence.

Union foreign policy chief Giuseppe Borel said that common people are dying due to the ongoing violence between the two sides, which cannot be accepted.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has said in a tweet that it is very important to stop the ongoing fight between the two sides and talks should be taken forward for two-state between the two.

Pope Francis and the German government have appealed to both sides to find a solution to the problem through dialogue.

Israeli jets have carried out fresh attacks in Gaza on Sunday for the seventh consecutive day. In these attacks, the targets of Hamas leader Yahya al-Sinwar in Gaza have also been targeted.

No information has been found so far about how many people were killed in the latest bombing.

According to news agency Reuters, health officials of Gaza have said that 26 people have died so far in the Israeli rocket attacks on Sunday. Two houses were targeted in these attacks. Here Hamas extremists have also carried out several rocket attacks towards Israel.


Netanyahu answered

Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had said that his government would respond to rocket attacks with full force until they could ensure complete security.

He said, "We will continue to respond to the attacks until the safety of our people is ensured. We have killed dozens of Hamas extremists and destroyed hundreds of their targets, including missile launchers and buildings from where these organizations Used to plan and carry out attacks. "

Here former Israeli Defense Minister Naphtali Bennett, in a conversation with the, has supported the move of the Israeli government and said that Hamas is directly responsible for the deaths of ordinary citizens.

"We are taking precautions as much as possible but they have started firing rockets at our neighbor without any provocation and in response to this we have targeted Hamas bases. So you can understand that some We will know and Hamas is directly responsible for this. They should think about this before attacking us. "

Appeal to the international community

At the same time, the international community has appealed to both sides to stop the violence and maintain peace. An important meeting of the United Nations Security Council is going to be held on Sunday on the issue of Israel-Palestinian issue.

Ainet Wilf, former Israeli President and advisor to former Prime Minister Shimon Peres, says that even if a ceasefire is implemented, the quarrel will not be completely resolved.

She says, "From the Palestinian and Arab point of view, Israel should not exist and be a nation demarcated for the Jews. They are trying to eliminate it from generation to generation. They believe that this The area should be dominated by the Arab and Islamic world. They consider the Jewish country to be temporary and they will try their best to end it. "

How the latest violence erupted?

This process of struggle has started after the unrest in Jerusalem for the last about a month.

It began after threatening to evict Palestinian families from East Jerusalem whom Jews claim their land and want to settle there. Because of this, there were clashes between the protesters and the police in the Arab-populated areas there.

On Friday, clashes broke out between protesters and police near the Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem.

There have been skirmishes between the two sides before the Al-Aqsa Mosque, but the violence on last Friday was the most serious since 2017. Al-Aqsa Mosque is considered by both Muslims and Jews to be a holy site.

After the Middle East war of 1967, Israel took control of East Jerusalem and considers the entire city as its capital.

However, the international community does not support it. Palestinians see East Jerusalem as the capital of a future independent country.

Tension has increased in the area for the last few days. It is alleged that the Jews who claim this part of the land are trying to evict the Palestinians, which is a matter of dispute.

In October 2016, the Executive Board of UNESCO, the cultural wing of the United Nations, passed a disputed resolution stating that the historic al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem has no claim to Jews.

The proposal was passed by the Executive Committee of UNESCO.

It was said in this proposal that Muslims have the right over the Al-Aqsa Mosque and it has no historical connection with the Jews. While Jews have been calling it Temple Mount and it has been considered an important religious place for Jews.


Panic in this village of Amethi due to the death of 20 people in a month


Villagers allege that the health department team did not conduct any investigation, so the reason for the deaths is not clear, while the government claims that the investigation was done and only one death was caused by a corona infection. What is the whole matter?

Panic in this village of Amethi due to the death of 20 people in a month

The chain of deaths is going on mysteriously, but the authorities are claiming everything on paper. If the second wave of Corona infection is wreaking havoc in the villages, the biggest difficulty is that the reason for the deaths is not known in the absence of post mortem. The cause of the deaths of 20 people in a village in Amethi within a month has not been known because neither the Health Department team reached here, nor did any investigation take place!

In Harimau village of Jagdishpur block of Amethi, the health workers reached the spot to get information in the case of the death of 20 people, but only for Khanapurti. The villagers allege that the team comes to the hospital and gives away medicines. Till now no villager has been investigated, so that it can be found out what is the reason for continued deaths

Villagers said 'there was no investigation'

an elderly person in the village told News18, 'Never before have we seen so many deaths together in a lifetime, as has happened in the last one month.' At the same time, if the youth of the village are to be believed then the team of Health Department never came to the village nor did any investigation. The team only comes to the hospital and goes away with medicines.

These deaths have frightened the villagers, on the other hand, the way the health department works is that the team did not bother to investigate. Villagers tell that an ambulance arrives but leaves without taking the patient. Asha Bahu posted in the village gives medicines from house to house. According to the villagers, due to the death of three people from each house, the panic has become so much that people are forced to lock themselves in the houses with fear.

According to the village head of Harimau Gram Sabha, no one is aware of the reason for the deaths in his village, but in the past a person from the village had returned from Delhi. He was ill and died after returning from the hospital. 'Just after this incident, many people have died. According to Pradhan, after coming to the media, the team of Health Department came, but did not do any sampling. What are the Amethi CMOs saying? Chief Medical Officer Ashutosh Dubey said that he had received information from the newspapers about the continuous deaths in the village. In addition to directing Jagdishpur CHC in-charge, sanitization was done in the village for two days.



AP and al-Jazeera said after the Israeli attack collapsed their offices



Shatrughan Sinha tweeted on Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal01


Bollywood veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha jokingly tweeted a tweet from his Twitter account about Arvind Kejriwal, which went viral on sight.

Shatrughan Sinha tweeted on Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal01

New Delhi. The outbreak of Coronavirus continues till now, but the matter of relief is that it is now gradually decreasing. Talk about Delhi, in the last 24 hours, there have been 6456 new cases of corona patients, while 262 people have died. In the capital, the rate of corona infects has come down to one percent and 10. However, Corona Given the country's national capital of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal government once again (Arvind Kejriwal Government) has announced the increase lockdown. The lockdown has been extended by a week, which will remain in force till 5 am on May 24.

Meanwhile, Bollywood veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha Jokingly tweeted a tweet from his Twitter account about Arvind Kejriwal, which went viral on sight. In this tweet, Shatrughan Sinha wrote, 'I am saying this with all due respect. My friend and CM of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, take it only as a humor (joke). He further wrote in this tweet, 'Have you noticed one thing? Ever since Corona has come .. 'Kejriwal' is not coughing up even a lie.




Constant bombing is pushing Gaza towards catastrophe

 The international human rights organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has warned that heavy bombardment from Israel is 'pushing Gaza towards catastrophe'.

Constant bombing is pushing Gaza towards catastrophe

In one of his statements, MSF has said that we have found that the use of force by the Israeli police is unacceptable and this is creating a danger of a terrible sense of destruction in the Gaza Strip.

Helen Otten-Patterson, head of the Palestinian Territory for MSF, has said, "This time the bombing by Israel is much stronger and stronger than in the past such campaigns. Continuous bombing devastates many buildings in the area." went."

"The exit is not at risk and living in homes has also become dangerous. People are trapped in the midst of constant fire. Emergency health workers are helping people by taking great risks.On Monday, the MSF said that it was helping Palestinian Red Crescent to treat hundreds of patients injured by the use of Israeli police in Jerusalem.

Most of these patients were injured due to rubber bullets, grenades and burns. Oten-Patterson said, "Our team found many men, women, children who were injured. We also treated a 12-year-old child who was hit by rubber bullets."

He said, "The MSF team has not seen any of the worst violence in Jerusalem in the last several years."

Will restore peace in Israel again - Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has said that the Iron Dome anti-missile system that has been installed in his country with the "view of security" is "giving him an aggressive edge".

In response to the rockets fired by the Palestinians, the Israeli Defense Forces has targeted hundreds of targets in Gaza and "this figure will soon reach a thousand," according to news source Reuters.

Netanyahu said, "We are protecting our citizens and are constantly attacking Hamas. This campaign will take a little more time."

He said that "to fulfill our objective of restoring peace in Israel again, we will also vigorously attack and defend ourselves

Many flights to Tel Aviv were postponed

Several international airlines have halted their flights to Israel's main airport in Tel Aviv because of the shelling in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Palestine.

Three US-based companies United, Delta and American Airlines and Germany's Lufthansa and British Airways have halted their flights to Ben Gurion Airport in Israel for security reasons.

At the same time, in view of the rocket attacks from Gaza, the officials of Ben Gurion Airport have directed the flights coming here to land on the south side of the country at Ramon Airport.

On the other hand, the Israeli army has said that it has called 7000 soldiers (reservists) of its army reserve on duty and canceled the leave of soldiers of all combat units.

The Times of Israel quoted army spokesman Hidai Zilberman as saying that half of these reservists (reserve soldiers) would be employed in air defense while the rest would be deployed along with the maintenance of the bodies and the medical unit.

Earlier, Israel ordered its tanks and a large number of its soldiers to move towards the Gaza Strip.

'Hamas is committing suicide drone attacks against Israel'

Israeli media says that 'suicide drones' are being launched by Hamas extremists.

These drones are also known as kamikaze drones. It is a weapon that contains explosives and it seeks out the target before the attack and then detonates one after the other.

The Times of Israel has published a video released by the Israeli army. 
